Friday, June 1, 2007


Mcm biasa, sampai je umah Dani n Damia lah jadi penyambut abah die kat depan pintu. Lps dukung n cium dorang baru ler aku..hehe tp xde ler samapai kena dukung..ahaks! 'Yg, ader xpe la nanti..'. mm..nak cakap ke x nak nih..geram gak.Tp wat tak tau je la...Sambil wat2 tak kisah tu aku n Hb layan Dani Damia cam biasa..borak2 n sambil minum ptg kat meja...Selesai, kitorang naik atas..dgn pengiring setia masing2;)

' CD lagu U..' mm..Hb bg aku sekeping CD baru. 'Beautiful.Pure.Heart'.CD tu rupanya yg die nak g kat aku..igtkan aper la td...CD tu hadiah photo contest yg die masuk bbrp bln lepas. Photo contest Magnolia. Dani & Damia la yg jd model..kitorang g 'shooting' kat playground Nusaputra je ritu. Punya la comot dorang masa tu. Maner tak nyer, x pernah2 mkn aiskrim, dpt mkn lak hr tu..Aku sbnrnyer mmg x pernah bg dorang mkn aiskrim ni. Tp photo contest punyer pasal On je hehe

Hb bg aku CD tu sbb ader salah satu lagu dlm CD tu yg dia pernah dedicate kat aku..hehe Hb aku ni ble tahan gak jiwang dadicate lg tu dlm bln November 2006 klu x silap. Masa tu die kat Jepun...aku plak masa tu tgh pregnant Damia huhu sedih tul masa tu...Org mengandung ni mmg lain skit die punya 'sentimental'. skit2 nak menangis..mmg org2 tua selalu pesan tak elok byk menangis masa mengandung..kang dpt anak cengeng plak! Tp nak wat camne, air mata tu kuar mcm ader suiz plak..dah tu tak ble nak Off plak ...ish...klu fikir balik cam kelakar lak..kekadang menda2 yg x patut2 pun ble menangis! Tp tu lah sebenarnyer nikmat yg tuhan bagi kat ibu2 yg mengandung....sungguh besar kuasaNya..

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Intro lagi

Salam. Hehe saje je sblm ni testing2 123...'I feel like stupid when I'm speake in English!' hehe terbalik ler pulak..macam pernah ku dgr...Tapi...di mana ya?!

So nilah intro sbnr utk blog yg br je aku create minggu lepas;)

'Camera' ishh..aku mmg alergik bile dgr perkatan ni dulu...Aku ni mmg paling tak suka nak pose bile org nak amik gambar. Paling senang aku tunjuk gigi je!ekeke

Tapi klu dah jodoh, org kater tak kemana....Kenal je ngan hubby aku ni mmg aku pun mula kenal ngan 'camera'.

Igt dulu masa zaman bercinta hehe mula nak buka story ler ni..

Masa tu g dating kat Bukit Tinggi. Masa tu la fisrt time die kuarkan camera Konica Minolta die tu...sblm ni aku pernah dgr camera pun rasanya brand Canon, Kodak, pastu aper erk..ish..mmg tak tau snbrnyer pasal camera nih! Bile tgk brand Konica Minolta ni lagi la aku lantak ler, masa tu yg aku igt, byk sgt amik pasti, gambar aku la yg byk! Tuhan jela yg tahu perasaan aku masa tu...menyampah pun ader, geram pun ader, kelakar pun ader gak..Tp sayang punya pasal...Suka hati ko lah labuu..hehe jgn marah ye Yg....

K la, itu citer dulu......skang ni plak dah lainnn......Klu Hb x bwk camera, aku plak yg tanya..'Yg, x bwk camera ke?!' hehe maklum ler..aku nikan PA tak bergaji dia. Hobi die skang dah jadi hoby aku gak;)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Basic Skills In Digital Photography

by Low Jeremy

Basically, there is not much difference between using a digital camera and a manual camera. In fact, most experts believe that using a digital camera actually spoils the photographer, making everything so easy for him. Still, there are many who remain daunted by the prospects of using a digital camera especially when their training comes mainly from manual photography. There are a number of skills that one needs to learn before switching to the digital format. Read through and find out some of the things that you need to develop.

Computer skills Digital photography involves dealing with computers. In fact, operating the digital camera is like operating a small computer. There are functions that are actually similar to the computer like formatting and delete and a whole lot of other things. You need to be familiar with the functions in order to be able to maximize the digital camera. In addition, you also need to be really familiar with computer when storing your picture files and adjusting your photos. With this, you need to be able to perform computer tasks such as cutting, pasting, copying, renaming and opening and closing of files and folders.

Photo Contest

'50th Merdeka Anniversary Celebration' is the most photo contest being organised this year.
With pictures we can show our appreciation on what the country has cherish the peace, success and prosperity...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I know nothing about photography...There were too many skill & technique, art & gift..
Its a bit annoying actually to hv a partner who alwiz bring his camera..Anywhere! But its really a good time when we can share together the comments & enjoy...


Its all about hobby & photos...

Hobby to my beloved hubby Jamalhisham Jermi. Marry to him is also marrying to his hobby. Creating this blog is to share my selection on his collection and stories behind each photos...stories and behind the scene team....

hobby is a spare-time recreational pursuit ...